CLIFF CREGO | Alpine Ensemble at 8600 feet, South Wallowas

Alpine Ensemble at 8600 feet, South Wallowas . . .
On the road in the American Northwest.


When I get lost in a thick dark forest of a maze
of unrelated details, I venture up to the overview
offered by a butte or mountain ridge.

Or when I find myself once again swept away in a
wash of empty generalities, I know it is time to give
myself to the fertile valley floor and get on all fours to
study each and every individual blade of grass.

I've noticed too—even though I seem to forget it everyday
—that the balance I seek lives, like the daily in- and
out-breathing of up- and downslope valley winds, in
the easy, regular back and forth between the two.

What could be more beautiful than that?

THE LITTLE CLAVIER please preview 150 of 631 pages
w/ my black & white photography [opens in new window]

ABOVE: A new infinite list flashshow with a sampler
of my work, mostly from Photoweek.
[mouse over controls].

NEW: To view / purchase high quality prints & matted frames
at the
Photoweek Northwest online store, SLIDESHOW

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 1999 -2011
(created: IV.13.2011)