Serviceberry or Juneberry in flower at 1500 m.  (Amelanchier alnifolia)

Serviceberry, Saskatoons, or Juneberry in flower at 1500 m.
(Amelanchier alnifolia) (VI.16.10)
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A member of the Rose family,
Western Serviceberry is a small
deciduous shrub with strikingly beautiful
pure white flowers, in clusters of 3 to 15,
each with five narrow, loosely arranged,
petals, which appear in late spring.

The leaves are oval to round, with on
their upper half a finely serrate signature

The fruits—a pome, and about the size
of a large blueberry—are in clusters, and
are at first red and, as they ripen, turn
to scarlet and then a rich, dark purple.

Highly edible!

Saskatoons (from the Cree) formed the
base of pemmican, a kind of Native American
energy bar, which included dried meat and
could be eaten in transit.

This is a plant to know and live with,
in all its seasons.

On the road in the American Northwest.


Money is a species of movement which always seems
to be going in the wrong direction. Debt is its engine;
Interest, its seemingly inexhaustible fuel.


The problems of academic philosophy are frequently
like so much stagnant water: muddy, opaque, going
How different is real living philosophy,
placing itself squarely in the middle of the natural world,
walking the great ecotone of Nature and Culture,
surrounding itself with the sounds of wild, flowing water,
pursuing each new problem to its source, each step a
potential change of direction, each step a potential
new discovery.


The feminist embrace of military service contradicts
the spirit of liberation just as stridently as would a
former slave who now herself holds slaves.

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All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2014
(created: VII.24.2012)