SPRING SNOWMELT, Eagle Cap Wilderness,
The WALLOWAS, Oregon, USA [ click photo for next . . . ]
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features my soundpoems,
percussion orchestras & other
new piecesJoin me in my campaign to bring the conservation of Nature
and the best of classical music together. The sonosphere—the
sea of sounds which surrounds us—deserves as much attention and
care as our water and air!
[I believe in everything not yet said]—an early
poem from the German, by Rainer Maria Rilke
It 's snowing. To the swarming silence the winds give up their wings.
The unbaised heavens are not to be mollified like existence.
—The righteous snows fall upon those scorned and those loved.
The snow falls on the stones under which the dead decay.
Het sneeuwt. Om de weemlende stilte begeven hun vleugels den winden.
De onzijdige hemel is niet te vermurwen gelijk het bestaan.
- De rechtvaardige sneeuw valt over versmaden en over beminden.
De sneeuw valt over de stenen waaronder de doden vergaan.
J.C. Bloem
uit: Sintels, 1945| download mp3 PRIGRESS / FORTSCHRITT [3.4 Mb] |
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Please visit my picture-poems.com MOUNTAIN WATER
print gallery. Above is a set of recent images.
(Mouse-over for controls.)
I might just mention here, following the ethical principle,
First, do no harm, I never use cars or snowmachines. I
do everything on foot, bike or ski. I think this in a
deep and direct way affects my work, and how I see
the world. So all the photos above were approached
on foot, including all the in between spaces, sometimes
involving journeys of weeks or months.
I would not want to work any other way.
for $49.95 + shipping or
download as e-Book for $14.95
New English translations
from the German of 80
of Rainer Maria Rilke's
best poems, together
with 120 color prints
from the High Wallowas.
With introduction . . .
| preview opens in new window |
All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2011 picture-poems.com
(created: X.19..2011)