CLIFF CREGO? | Fall Sheep Roundup . . .  The European Alps

Bringing Down the Sheep . . .  The European Alps.

Rilke (1875-1926) lived the relatively happy last years
of his life not all that far from where this photo was made.
(Urnerland, the very heart of the Swiss Alps). The poem
I've offered below, AUTUMN DAY, is one of the finest
I know in any language. Many, many German speakers know
this poem by heart. Learn it by heart yourself in this English
version, and take it with you on your next trek in the highlands.

On the road in the American Northwest,

AUTUMN DAY—a poem from
the German by
Rainer Maria Rilke

Lord: it is time. The summer was immense.
Let thine shadows upon the sundials fall,
and unleash the winds upon the open fields.

Command the last fruits into fullness;
give them just two more ripe, southern days,
urge them into completion and press
the last bit of sweetness into the heavy wine.

He who has no house now, will no longer build.
He who is alone now, will remain alone,
will awake in the night, read, write long letters,
and will wander restlessly along the avenues,
back and forth, as the leaves begin to blow.

Rainer Maria Rilke (tr. Cliff Crego)


Herr: es ist Zeit. Der Sommer war seht groß.
Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren,
und auf den Fluren laß die Winde los.

Befiehl den letzten Früchten voll zu sein;
gieb ihnen noch zwei südlichere Tage,
dränge sie zur Vollendung hin und jage
die letzte Süße in den schweren Wein.

Wer jetzt kein Haus hat, baut sich keines mehr.
Wer jetzt allein ist, wird es lange bleiben,
wird wachen, lesen, lange Briefe schreiben
und wird in den Alleen hin und her
unruhig wandern, wenn die Blätter treiben.

please follow my RilkeQuotes twitter
stream if you'd like timely updates

Featured gallery, mountain water . . . .
Please visit my MOUNTAIN WATER Gallery—some of
the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
prints & frames . . . [ mouse over for controls / lower right fro full-screen ]

for $49.95 + shipping or
download as e-Book for $14.95

New English translations
from the German of 80
of Rainer Maria Rilke's
best poems, together
with 120 color prints
from the High Wallowas.
With introduction . . .

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All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: VII.27.2008)