THE LITTLE CLAVIER—page from my new book BUY online! . . .
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On road in North America.


When science opens an hitherto unseen door,
encountering thresholds it cannot yet cross, we have the
beginnings of spirituality; When spirituality manifests
in new number, ratio, or universal theory, we have the
beginnings of science at its best, as a journey of discovery.
Science and spirituality, just like the relationship between
known and unknown, or tradition and creativity, are always
two sides of one movement. The line we draw between
them is like the line of a distant horizon, forever
receding as we come near. Metaphor is then the
scientist's rhyming of meaning, in both number and word;
it is this sense of wonder that becomes the songline that
guides us deeper and deeper into this uncharted,
essentially pathless, land.

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w/ my black & white photography [opens in new window]

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the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
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All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: III.16.2012)