THE LITTLE CLAVIER—page from my new book BUY online! . . .
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On the road in the American Northwest.


We shape the world and the world shapes us.

The five outer senses recognized by Western culture—
sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—are greatly
strengthened and complemented by three equally
innate and essential inner senses: the senses of harmony,
rhythm, and sympathetic resonance (or empathy).

These inner senses of harmony, rhythm, and sympathetic
resonance are essential because, in the view being
sketched here, it is not be possible to characterize the
uniqueness of the human species without them. Name
one other species that can hear when an octave is perfectly
in tune; Name one species that naturally dances to any
music heard; Name one other species that naturally senses
the pain and grief of another as if it were their own.
Tragically, all eight senses, both inner and outer, are
now being corrupted by the current corporate amplification
of the metaphysics of radical materialism.

THE LITTLE CLAVIER please preview 150 of 631 pages
w/ my black & white photography [opens in new window]

Featured gallery, mountain water . . . .
If you're a picture-poems fan, please visit my Living Water Gallery—some of
the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
prints & frames . . . [ mouse over for controls / lower right fro full-screen ]

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: II.29.2012)