Fieldwork on Red Mountain, Eagle Cap Wilderness, Cliff Crego self-portrait . . .

Fieldwork on Red Mountain (Cliff Crego), Eagle Cap Wilderness . . .
On the road in the American Northwest.

Please visit my LIVING WATER
print gallery
. Above is a set of 37 recent images.
(Mouseover controls.)

I might just mention here, following my ethical principle,
First, do no harm, I never use cars or snowmachine. I
do everything on foot, bike or ski. I think this in a
deep and direct way affects my work, and how I see
the world. So all the photos above were approached
on foot, including all the in between spaces, sometimes
involving journeys of weeks or months.

I would not want to work any other way.

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2011
(created: VII.25.2009)