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The Magic Box: thirteen pieces for
mallet instruments
after seeing
Tous les matins du monde (1991)
("All the Mornings of the World")
We shape the world and the world shapes us.
There was a time when both Music and Nature—how we thought
about them, what they meant to us—were trunk and branch of the same
great tree of life. This was a time when all of music emerged out of a
landscape made up of living presences, such as the voices of wind,
of birds, or of wild, rushing water. Sound itself, with its many overtones
orbiting around its ground tone like so many moons of some far away
planet, served as a model of the Universe. This was a time when
music was not relegated to some 2nd-hand, rude, industrial periphery,
but stood at its very center, its heart, with Instrument maker
and forest, performer and composer, all fitting together
like the concentric rings of a revolving spring dance.Music has not changed. It is we who have changed.
We shape the world, and the world shapes us.
In North Korea, radios are built to receive only
government-sanctioned frequencies.
In North America, this isn't necessary. The baseness of commercial
radio and TV have long ago erased the capacity for critical and
independent thought, so much so, that the fact of their loss has
also been erased.
The difference between the Old and New Economy is that the one says,
“Let your money work for you!” While the other says, “Let the Sun
work for you!” Remarkably, this one difference will necessarily and in a
forceful way help bring the world of Culture back in step with the world
of Nature.
In matters of Philosophy and Design, demonstration is everything. Once
one stands atop the mountain they said could not be climbed, has played
the piece they said could not be played, nothing more need be said.
The one thing humans do that makes
the rest of Nature jealous.
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