ice flow


((60) Keep your knives sharp! Laboring with
a dull knife’s edge is like having to think hard
with bad ideas.

(61) Essential Art? The question of
which musical body we consider primary—
that of the large orchestra or the small
intrumental ensemble or soloist— is
related to the similar question in literature
of which form we see as more important—
the full-length novel or the shorter poem.

In both cases, I would argue for the latter.

This is perhaps especially so
in times of metaphysical crisis such as
the current era, because economy of means
allows for, and strongly encourages,
both the cleaning up of waste and
contradiction, as well as
the clarification of essence.

100 MINIATURES please preview
my little book of aphorisms &
sayings in prose
[opens in new window]

iCE FLOW, [click photo for next . . . ]
On the road in the Northwest of America.

Featured gallery, mountain water . . . .
Please visit my Mountain Water Gallery—some of
the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
prints & frames . . . [ mouse over for controls / lower right fro full-screen ]


All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 1999-2012
(created: I.2.2012)