WHAT'S A WEED? Clasping Pepperweed (Lepidium perfoliatum) Like its notorious,
noxious cousin, Whitetop (Lepidium draba), Pepperweed is a member
of the Mustard family . . .
[ click photo for next . . . ]
On the road in the Northwest of America.

The most striking feature of Clasping Pepperweed is, as its common name suggests, the form of its leaves. The lower basal leaves are divided into linear lobes. But its signature upper leaves are rounded to oval and completely surround the stem. The flowers are small, and mustard yellow. The fruit is a remarkably flat, penny-shaped capsule.


(26) Rhythm? The colonization
of Space and Time
by the outmoded religions
of the past has been replaced
by the formative forces
of outward material wealth.
In the town where the lights
flash night and day,
every day, the symphony
searching for the harmony
of the Universe is left,
until the very moment
of liberation,
forever uncharted
and unsung.

(27) Muzak? We shape the world and
the world shapes us: In the past,
prepackaged sounds,
all the salient features
lobed off by a filter of mediocrity;
Unnoticed, transformed into
without the long rows
of cereal boxes, detergents,
garbage bags and
entertainment guides,
having come full circle,
now standing firmly—
center stage.

100 MINIATURES please preview
my little book of aphorisms &
sayings in prose [opens in new window]

Please visit my picture-poems.com MOUNTAIN WATER print gallery Above is a set of recent flowing water images. (Mouseover for TITLES & CONTROLS!)

I might just mention here that, following the simple, basic ethical principle, First, do no harm, I never use cars or jeeps or or snowmachines. Instead, I do everything on foot, bike or ski. I think this in a deep and direct way affects my work, and how I see and experience the world generally. So know thaty all the photos collected here were approached on foot -- including all the in between spaces -- sometimes involving journeys of weeks, or even months.

I would not want to work any other way . . .

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 1999 -2015 picture-poems.com
(created: VII.10.2011)