BLUE MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON (Pensetmon pennellianus)

BLUE MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON (Pensetmon pennellianus) [ click photo for next . . . ]

BLUE MOUNTAIN PENSTEMON is one of the signature
and most striking early summer plants in the Wallowas.
There is no word for the breath-taking luminosity—as
if the light were coming from within—of the sky blue
modulating to litmus-paper purple magenta. And this
against an earthly reddish brown of the volcanic rocky
soil where it frequently grows. Notice the stout,
thick, erect stem, with opposite clasping leaves
towards the middle. When this Figwort appears, it
is time to look for the high pressure bell of hot,
dry weather to settle down on the Pacific Northwest
and the blessing of the infinite blue of Oregon skies.

On the road in the American Northwest.

[ double-click text to play ]


Seen from the center of the web of life, water is the
most holy of holies; Seen from the steep of the pyramid
of dominance and control,
water is what you go after,
first and last.

Seen from the center of web of life, one looks out and
sees nothing but rich abundance. Seen from the steep
pyramid of dominance and control,
one sees nothing
but perennial scarcity and conflict. The choice is ours.


It is possible to climb the same mountain, both for the right,
and for the wrong, reasons. It's learning to tell the difference
which makes all the difference.


Sitting. Waiting.

Bad thoughts,

come back to me unasked for;

Good thoughts, get away from me, like

a shutter clicking on a butterfly's empty frame.

"Be prepared," I tell myself.

Accidents happen.

The new May morning has built

a crystal palace on cow dung that in an hour will be gone.

The Spirit Thrush is on its way from the far south

of rivers that no loner make it to the sea,

returning from places

I've never seen.

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Featured gallery, mountain water . . . .
Please visit my MOUNTAIN Water Gallery—some of
the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
prints & frames . . . [ mouse over for controls / lower right fro full-screen ]

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: VII.29.2012)