sharp rock, smooth falls

Sharp Rock, Smooth Falls . . . . [ click photo for next . . . ]
On the road in North America.

The whispering sound of a small waterfall. . . .Composed
of many tinkling, richly complex, high-pitched overtones.

This otherworldly sound is echoed, perhaps, in the
above image’s long wash of smooth, steady, flowing time.
This is not the time or rhythm of busy traffic; it is
more akin I think to the manifestation in the physical
world of some spiritual essence, say, that of a human being,
or that of a piece of Classical music, like Vivaldi or Bach.
These are musics that seem more discovered than
deliberately designed.

I’m also reminded that this manifestation of spirit is frequently
not 'all of a sudden,' but rather the work of a lifetime, or perhaps
many lifetimes, as the Buddhists say.

And as any real performer knows, two signs of a music's
greatness of spirit are that we feel we have betrayed
the truth of a piece when we play with less than total
and that we, alas, can never achieve a perfect,
complete performance. There is always something
more, more to be perfected, more to be revealed.

What could be more beautiful than that?

Please visit my MOUNTAIN WATER
print gallery
.(Mouseover controls.)

I might just mention here, following the ethical principle,
First, do no harm, I never use cars or snowmachines. I
do everything on foot, bike or ski. LIKE I AWLAYS SAY:

"How you get there is more
than half the photograph."

I would not want to work any other way.

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2013
(created: IX.18.2005)