SHEEP MOUNTAIN, Eagle Valley, Snake River Country II.25.2013,
The WALLOWAS, Oregon, USA [ click photo for next . . . ]
new compositions
Please preview (left) 13 new
tracks at AMAZON
entire album
for $7.99
features my soundpoems,
percussion orchestras & other
new piecesJoin me in my campaign to bring the conservation of Nature
and the best of classical music together. The sonosphere—the
sea of sounds which surrounds us—deserves as much attention and
care as our water and air!
[I believe in everything not yet said]—an early
poem from the German, by Rainer Maria Rilke
[I believe on everything
not yet said]
I believe in everything not yet said.
I want to liberate my most devout feelings.
What no one has ever dared to desire,
will become in time for me necessity.If that is unreachable, my Lord, then forgive me.
But I want to say to you only this:
The best of my energies shall be like a drive,
without anger and without timidity;
like the way that children love you.With this overflowing, with this emptying
into the wide arms of the open sea,
with this ever-growing return,
I want to confess, I want to proclaim to you
as no other before me.And if this is arrogance, then let me be arrogant
for the sake of my prayer,
that in such seriousness and aloneness
before your clouded brow stands.
Rainer Maria Rilke (tr. Cliff Crego)
(1899) Berlin-Schmargendorf
[Ich glaube an Alles
noch nie Gesagte]Ich glaube an Alles noch nie Gesagte.
Ich will meine frömmsten Gefühle befrein.
Was noch keiner zu wollen wagte,
wird mir einmal unwillkürlich sein.Ist das vermessen, mein Gott, vergieb.
Aber ich will dir damit nur sagen:
Meine beste Kraft soll sein wie ein Trieb,
so ohne Zürnen und ohne Zagen;
so haben dich ja die Kinder lieb.Mit diesem Hinfluten, mit diesem Münden
in breiten Armen ins offene Meer,
mit dieser wachsenden Wiederkehr
will ich dich bekennen, will ich dich verkünden
wie keiner vorher.Und ist das Hoffahrt, so lass mich hoffährtig sein
für mein Gebet,
das so ernst und allein
vor deiner wolkigen Stirne steht.
| download mp3 I BELIEVE / ICH GLAUBE [4.8 Mb] |
music is from my TIMEINE, for vibes & marimba,
and MINTAKA, for 7 drums
Please visit my MOUNTAIN WATER
print gallery. Above is a set of recent images.
(Mouse-over for controls.)
I might just mention here, following the ethical principle,
First, do no harm, I never use cars or snowmachines. I
do everything on foot, bike or ski. I think this in a
deep and direct way affects my work, and how I see
the world. So all the photos above were approached
on foot, including all the in between spaces, sometimes
involving journeys of weeks or months.
I would not want to work any other way.
for $49.95 + shipping or
download as e-Book for $14.95
New English translations
from the German of 80
of Rainer Maria Rilke's
best poems, together
with 120 color prints
from the High Wallowas.
With introduction . . .
| preview opens in new window |
All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 1999-2014
(created: X.19..2011)