Little Eagle, summer storm. Eagle Cap Wilderness

Little Eagle, summer storm, VII.5.2009. Eagle Cap Wilderness . . .
On the road in the American Northwest. [ click photo for next . . . ]

There's a little occasional poem that I did at the
request of an Italian friend of mine, Paolo, some
years ago. It's a long story, but we were out hunting
for chamois in the Italian Alps, very close to the great
Cervino, the south or Italian side of the Matterhorn.

It was Fall. There was quite a bit of snow. It was just
beginning to get light. We had met up with two hunting
buddies of his on a rock outcrop. And suddenly, a golden
eagle flew by, with a crow on its tail. Only a few feet above
our heads. Paolo stood up, and in his wonderful English
exclaimed, "You shall write a poem about this!" So I did.
First in Italian, with a bit of his help. And then in English.

Per un Amico e una Cornacchia

  per Paolo

Tarda mattina, seduto sulla
neve fresca con un vecchio amico.

Un aquila vola con una cornacchia
alla coda.

Sopra e basso -- due cose, inizia
cosi il movimento del nostro mondo.

For a Friend and a Crow

      for Paolo

Mid-morning, sitting in new
snow with an old friend.

An eagle flies by with a crow
on its tail.

Above, below -- with two begins
the movement of our world.

Yes. With two begins the movement of our world. I believe
it is true. In Music as well. One of my basic musical forms
is the duo. Two instruments in dialogue. The above
CHELTENHAM DUOS for two violins, were composed in
this spirit, with the talented young performer in mind.


Full of commotion,

similarities of movement, of meaning.

When two weather fronts,

one warm, one cold,

collide, we get disturbance,

sometimes, with great violence.

When two armies,

one red, one blue,

collide, we get disturbance.

Same words. Similar movement.

Different meanings.

One has the force of necessity

behind it; The other,

has no necessity at all.

Muir (Crater) Lake,
Eagle Cap Wilderness,

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All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: VII.25.2009)