FRIEND, Derl Miller, with his eye on the summit of Krag Peak, South Wallowas

FRIEND, Derl Miller, with his eye on the summit of Krag Peak, South Wallowas [ click photo for next . . . ]
On the road in the Pacific Northwest

Dialogue is like a journey we make together

on foot through unknown terrain.

Where we do not move as one,

we simply stop and start over again.

It is the quality of the movement itself,

the new meaning thereby revealed,

and not any preconceived destination, or goal,

that is primary.

(0) Sustainability is...movement without contradiction, without
conflict, without waste;

(1) Sustainability is...Network is Community is Friendship;

(2) Sustainability is...when natural law and cultural convention
fit together as well as the shape of a well-crafted violin fits the
laws of acoustics, of its spruce and maple woods, as well as the
physical movements of the performer. Sustainability is there-
fore a state of dynamic, creative—and sometimes even
generatively chaotic—harmony;

(3) Sustainability is...when the structures and norms of cultural
convention adapt continuously to the exigencies of natural
limit; Limit gives rise to the formative context; Art happens
when the artifact reflects this formative context on all its sides,
in all its myriad details.

(4) Sustainability is...what we become aware of with the dire
shortages of crisis; Contradiction is what we become aware of
in the sudden surprise of total collapse; Freedom is what we
become aware of when the Inquisitor knocks at the door.

| If you're interested in philosophy and the general background
to the present crisis of perception, culture and consciousness,
please preview my little book, THEATER OF THE NEW. |

| my webpage for THEATER OF THE NEW | facebook page |

NEW: To view / purchase high quality prints & matted frames
at the
Photoweek Northwest online store, SLIDESHOW

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: X.11.2008)