First Snow at Heather Camp, Hidden Lake. Eagle Cap Wilderness . . .
On the road in the American Northwest. [click photo for next]
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See also my new quartet of poems
from the ON THE WAYSIDE stream
Sisyphus rolls his spirit up to the top
of the mountain, where he lets it fall.
It shatters below into a thousand pieces.
He then proceeds to put the pieces
back together with the quiet
care of a Swiss watchmaker.
"See this crack? It always breaks there. It's
something present from the past"
Sometimes, the cracks just disappear, as if healed;
Othertimes, they repeat, time and again.
Sisyphus rolls his spirit back up the mountain
and lets it fall back down again.
It shatters into a thousand pieces.
He then puts the pieces
back together again, with the quiet
care of a Swiss watchmaker.
How many times has he done this?
"I don't count. Each time is the first.
Each time, the last."
First rule: don't let the fire go out.
Prime possessions: Swiss army knife & that
stainless steel pan over there.
Most important pastime: sending smoke signals
on windless days to potential last women.
Key skill: using your ice-axe as you always have:—
digging for roots.
Heather Camp,
Eagle Cap Wilderness
Please preview my on ON PATHS,
a collection of 82 shorter,
single-image highcountry poems
Please visit my MOUNTAIN WATER Gallery—the best
of my flowform texts & photography . . .
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