MOUNTAIN ELDERBERRY, w/ blue (mot red) berries (Sambucus racemosa)

MOUNTAIN ELDERBERRY, w/ blue (mot red) berries
(Sambucus racemosa)
. . . [ click photo for next . . . ]

Friend, Dave Clemens, with one
of his beautifully crafted Elderberry
Native American flutes.

Dave uses the BLUE Elderberry (Sambus cerulea), which grows at
lover altitudes, to ±1450 m.

Visit his picture-poems page here . . .

On the road in the American Northwest.

In all performance, demand VISION,

come back with gifts from some unknown,

unexplored wildness, magnificent for

the very fact that you have actually been there,

and have somehow managed to return.

All else is mere repetition.

from 100 MINIATURES . . .

(95) Path of Violence? Violence is like a pool
of poison water threatening the river of life.
Gazing out over the whole of the river, one sees
that answering violence with violence never stops
the corruption of the water, but rather becomes
a part of the pollution itself;

Violence is like a fire raging in the house of love
and good intentions. Never putting out the flames,
answering violence with violence is the fuel that
burns the house to the ground;

Violence is like a noise drowning out the symphony
of all peoples. Answering violence with violence,
noise replaces music, soon becoming the
only sound we know.

100 MINIATURES please preview

Featured gallery, mountain water . . . .
If you're a picture-poems fan, please visit my Living Water Gallery—some of
the best of my flowform photography w/ a selection of the highest quality
prints & frames . . . [ mouse over for controls / lower right fro full-screen ]

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 1999-2012
(created: X.21.2012)