VIEW NORTH from (Lost) Glacier Peak to Eagle Cap

VIEW NORTH of Climate Change from (Lost) Glacier Peak
to Eagle Cap.
Eagle Cap Wilderness [ click photo for next . . . ]

View of the BENSON ICEFIELD as seen from
Glacier Peak. Because of intense melting and receding
of ice, the Benson lost its status as an active glacier
in 1937. All of the lighter gray granodiorite in the
image was until recently covered with ice. This is the
newfoundland of the highly uncertain future of wild
weather and climate chaos.

SEE BELOW different and historic views, more data,
and sets of links on Climate Change in the Pacific
Northwest and beyond:

Historic (c. 1910) photos of Glacier Peak | Movie |

On the road in the American Northwest.

[ double-click to play |


We shape the world and the world shapes us.

At present, our approach to the problems of Nature,
and our approach to the problems of Consciousness,
are not only similar, they are identical. They both begin
with the signature mistake of the division of the controller
and the controlled, and then attempt to create order not
from within, but from without, by imposing varying degrees
of force. This goes directly against the grain of the self-
organizing and self-limiting free flow of all natural
movement and the watercourse way.


We shape the world and the world shapes us.

We are very good at seeing, studying and describing
life as separate, isolated and relatively autonomous
species or organisms; But we are very weak at seeing
life in the large scale living whole, as in the soil under
our feet, the stream from which we drink, the air which
we breathe. This one tragic flaw may very well be
our undoing.


(v) The leaves of a tree are a clear primal paradigm of a
community governed by the simple principle of equality
of distribution or distributive justice.

Each tree has its own signature pattern of leaf deployment,
and yet, each pattern shares the simple principle or idea
that each leaf must have its own free, open space in which
to do the work of harvesting the light energy of the Sun,
and, together with the magic of water, turning it into
the sugar of life.

NEW: To view / purchase high quality prints & matted frames
at the
Photoweek Northwest online store, SLIDESHOW

All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2012
(created: VII.28.2012)