shiny sumac

Shiny Sumac, early Fall . . . (Rhus copallina) . . . . Native to North America.

There are three main native Sumac species in this area of
Northeast America, all small shrubs, all showing interesting
variations on the same theme of composite or compound leaf.

Here's a sketch for those interested in the unique structure
of the Shiny Sumac pictured above (Please forgive some
of the New Latin terms, like 'rachis' botanists have come
up with for form. For musicians, the general rule of thumb
is: the more recent the nomenclature, the uglier the sound:

Here are a few of the other Sumacs features in the PhotoWeek collection:

October Staghorn Sumac . . . (Rhus hirta)

Staghorn Sumac, ripening drupes (Rhus typhina)

Staghorn Sumac, October Light (Rhus spp.)

Smooth Sumac leaflets. . . (Rhus glabra).

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Photograph by Cliff Crego © 2006

(created: IX.10.2005)