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August 2004:
suggested links MSF Out of Afghanistan A Picture/Poem collection of links |
"Founded in 1971 by group of French doctors
Headquarters in Brussels and offices in 18 countries
Has operations in more than 80 countries
Has more than 2,000 expatriate volunteers,
with an average age of 30-35
Work includes restoring hospitals, providing
vaccinations and improving sanitation and water supply
In Afghanistan, continued to work through Soviet invasion,
mujahideen wars and Taleban rule." [...]
report RealAudio c. I' |
Other unrelated by interesting links . .
From the website of DEMOCRACY
America: Gore Vidal Reflects
on the United States of Amnesia
with Amy Goodman
"In his latest book Imperial America: Reflections on the United States
of Amnesia acclaimed author Gore Vidal writes that, "Not since the 1846
attack on Mexico in order to seize California has an American government
been so nakedly predatory." Gore Vidal joins us in our firehouse studio
to discuss President Bush, elections and much more." [...]
The Big
Brother Awards
"Each year, the national members and affiliated organizations of
Privacy International present the "Big Brother" awards to the
government and private sector organisations which have done the
most to threaten personal privacy in their countries. Since 1998,
over forty ceremonies have been held in sixteen countries and have
given out hundreds of awards to some of the most powerful
government agencies, individuals and corporations in those
countries." [...]
unfinished business
by Lisa Stiffler
"Old reactor fuel sits just 400 yards from the Columbia River in
Southeastern Washington, corroding in giant "swimming pools"
that are well past their life expectancy. And Hanford's greatest
environmental threat -- millions of gallons of highly radioactive
waste -- still fills underground, leak-prone tanks, some as large
as Olympia's Capitol dome.
Also beneath the ground, vast amounts of tainted water are advancing
like sinister blobs toward the river, and scientists are scrambling to
figure out how to stop it.[...]
It'll cost at least $50 billion more to get the job done, an effort
that will span another generation, according to the latest estimates."
A new website based Leipzig Germany, where J. S. Bach lived and worked
from 1723 until his death in