Picture/Poem Icon April 2003:                      
suggested links

Web Against War (5)

A Picture/Poem collection
of links to reliable information
andcontemporary voices

Amnesty International

Fear of War Crimes by Both Sides

"Amnesty International is concerned that war crimes may have
been committed by both sides in the fighting in Iraq. Iraqi forces are
reported to have deliberately shelled civilians in Basra and placed
military objectives near civilians and civilian objects. Coalition
forces have confirmed attacking the main Iraqi television station,
which is a civilian object and protected under international
humanitarian law."

This is the reality of war.
We bomb. They suffer

Veteran war reporter Robert Fisk tours the Baghdad
hospital to see the wounded after a devastating night
of air strikes
(23 March 2003)

[...] "It is the same old story. If we make war –
however much we blather on about our care for
civilians – we are going to kill and maim
the innocent." [...]

Dutch Public Television . . .

Even if you do not speak a word of Dutch or German,
these broadcasts offer a powerful source of alternative

Broadcast Sunday, 23, 2003: broadband [c. 30' RealAudio]
Broadcast Sunday, 30, 2003: smallband
[c. 30' RealAudio]

Swiss Public Television . . .

Broadcast Sunday, 30, 2003: broadband [c. 25' RealAudio]

Zerstörte Trinkwasserversorgung:
Genozid am irakischen Volk?

"Professor Tom Nagy von der Washington University hat ein
Pentagon-Dokument entdeckt, das belegt, dass die von den USA
angeführten alliierten Kräfte im ersten Golfkrieg bewusst Iraks
Wasserversorgung zerstört und durch die Sanktionen den
Wiederaufbau verhindert haben. Die vorsätzliche Zerstörung
des Trinkwassersystems ist ein klarer Verstoss gegen die Genfer
Konventionen - der US Forscher und andere Experten sprechen
sogar von einem kontinuierlichen, geplanten Genozid am
irakischen Volk. Unabhängige Schweizer Wasser- und
Strategieexperten nehmen zu der brisanten Aussage Stellung."

[See Also: The Progressive

The Secret Behind the Sanctions
How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply

by Tom Nagy

"Over the last two years, I've discovered documents of the Defense
Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the
Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used
sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country's water supply after
the Gulf War. The United States knew the cost that civilian Iraqis,
mostly children, would pay, and it went ahead anyway."

The New York Times: Iraq Navigator
http://www.nytimes.com/ [REQUIRES ONE-TIME REGISTRATION]

Used by the newsroom of The Times

An excellent collection of maps can be found at:
Perry-Castañeda Library
Map Collection


Downtown Baghdad: Initial Targets Jan. 1991
From Decisive Force by Richard G. Davis, U.S. Air Force, 1996 (201K)

From Radio Pacifica's Peacewatch

[*REQUIRES RealAudio]

"Secretary of State Collin Powell, in a partly plagiarized speech last week
before the UN Security Council, presented satellite images, audio recordings
and Iraqi defectors to portray Iraq as a nation - - harboring weapons of mass
destruction and while many embraced Powell's multimedia presentation as
convincing and damning for Saddam Hussein, a growing number of critics
have dismissed the report as less than credible. Imad Khadduri is a former
Iraqi nuclear scientist. He worked for the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission
for 30 years from 1968- 1998. During an interview with him earlier this week,
we asked Khadduri to describe Iraq's nuclear capability at the time he left
his position." [...]

LISTEN Live to Radio Free Iraq [in Arabic: REQUIRES RealAudio]

For readers with German, an excellent interactive map can be
found at Spiegel.de: Flash-Karte zur Krise im Irak

Der Irak vor dem Krieg [REQUIRES Flash]

Images you will not see in the US media:

APWie die Amerikaner in der Türkei Stellung beziehen:
Der heimliche Aufmarsch [REQUIRES RealAudio]

"Das entsprechende Votum des türkischen Parlaments fehlt zwar
immer noch, trotzdem hat der heimliche Aufmarsch der Amerikaner
an der Nordfront längst begonnen. US-Soldaten richten im Land
Militärstützpunkte als logistische Basen ein. Derweil wächst die
Angst der Kurden Grenzgebiet zum Irak, ein weiteres Mal von
den Amerikanern verraten zu werden."

Other related links . . .


WIRETAP Image and Word Gallery

An interesting collection of 24 images, and more . . .

From AlterNet.org

Kurt Vonnegut Vs. the !*!@
By Joel Bleifuss, In These Times
February 10, 2003

"In November, Kurt Vonnegut turned 80. He published his first novel,
Player Piano, in 1952 at the age of 29. Since then he has written 13
others, including Slaughterhouse Five, which stands as one of the
pre-eminent anti-war novels of the 20th century.

As war against Iraq looms, I asked Vonnegut to weigh in. Vonnegut
is an American socialist in the tradition of Eugene Victor Debs, a fellow
Hoosier whom he likes to quote: "As long as there is a lower class, I am
in it. As long as there is a criminal element, I am of it. As long as there
is a soul in prison, I am not free.

You have lived through World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Reagan
wars, Desert Storm, the Balkan wars and now this coming war in Iraq.
What has changed, and what has remained the same?" . . . [...]

From In These Times

Poets Against the War
By Joe Knowles

"When First Lady Laura Bush decided to host a literary salon on
February 12 about "Poetry and the American Voice," she invited
the nation's leading poets to come to the White House for some
elegant chit-chat on the works of Emily Dickinson, Langston
Hughes and Walt Whitman. The sleepy, grant-fed American poetry
establishment, well-conditioned to sing for its supper and keep
politics at arm's length, rarely dares to court controversy—especially
in Washington. But Mrs. Bush was in for rather a rude surprise" [...]

From Centre for Research on Globalisation

"Shock and Awe" Russian Expert Predicts 500,000
Iraqi Deadin War Designed To Test Weapons

Interview with military analyst Vladimir Slipchenko
by Aleksandr Khokhlov

"The main purpose of the war is indeed being left out of the picture and
nobody is saying anything about it. I see the main purpose of the war as
being the large-scale real-life testing by the United States of sophisticated
models of precision weapons. That is the objective that they place first
All the other aims are either incidental, or outright disinformation.

"For more than 10 years now the United States has conducted exclusively
no-contact wars. In May 2001 George Bush Jr., delivering his first
presidential speech to students at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, spoke
of the need for accelerated preparation of the US Armed Forces for future
wars. He emphasized that they should be high-tech Armed Forces capable
of conducting hostilities throughout the world by the no-contact method.
This task is now being carried out very consistently." [...]

From IMDb: The Internet Movie Database

Im toten Winkel - Hitlers Sekretärin
Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary

A Documentary film directed by André Heller and
Othmar Schmiderer

Featuring interview footage with Traudl Junge,
one of Hitler's personal secretaries during WWII . . .

View Trailer [*REQUIRES QuickTime 3.3 Mb]

Read Review in Salon.com

From  RadioBremen

Das Watschen-Konzert 31. März 1913

"Heute vor 90 Jahren endete in Wien das erste richtig
atonale Konzert in einem richtig ausgewachsenen Skandal."
by Michael Herde

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IV.3.2003) Comments to crego@picture-poems.com