Three Miniatures: Science; Religion;
ArtA New Way of Looking
(1) The essence of Science is not so much proof, but rather the willingness to drop
a theory or a particular way of looking at the world if it appears to be contradicted
by fact;
The essence of Religion is not to be found any particular set of doctrines, dogmas or
beliefs, but rather the willingness to explore together the sources of disorder, conflict
and waste as they manifest in our relationships with ourselves, with each other and
the world around us;
The essence of Art is not to be found in self-expression, nor is it revealed in any system
of aesthetic convictions, tenets or norms, but rather shows itself in the willingness
to continually purify our perception so that which is harmonious and beautiful may
be clearly seen and, with time, hard work and much luck, brought into manifest form.
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Poster of Science;
Religion; Art
shown at the right
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (170k) |
All threeScience, Religion, Artshare the intention of demonstrating truth and
beauty in good works. Together, they form one of the most necessary of unities.
To unknowingly or unnecessarily fragment or break them apart is one of the most
profound of all tragedies. If this happens, instead of three complementary areas of
endeavor which synergistically nourish and support one another, we will have three
separate disciplines which are essentially at odds with each other, and therefore block
or hinder each step the other makes.
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