Six Miniatures: The Water Glass; Concerts:
Sow Thistle; Hyperlink
(1) The Water Glass
In the Arts, we may easily be misled by a work's surface
appearance, and therefore only belatedly awaken to its
deeper metaphysical or spiritual source. It's like the water
of any large city: at first it may seem perfectly clear, re-
freshing. But after a while we may come to sense the
drop of poison added to keep us from getting sick.
| go to the Picture/Poem
Poster of the above Miniatures:
The Water Glass shown
at the right
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (60 k) |
(2) A concert without a premiere is like a wedding without
a bride. We depart fattened on sweets, with applause still ringing
in the ears, but wondering what all the bravos were about.
(3) With metaphor, each isolated fact is but an
unrealized opportunity in the dance of relationship.
(4) Performance which self-consciously seeks reward likens
love feigned. Tears and the sweat of passion may flow,
but once unmasked, we feel cheated as what we first
thought were gifts reveal themselves as trust betrayed.
(5) Sow Thistle
Imagine Nature reduced to a place filled with straight, dry,
brittle stems covered from root to crown with thorns. That
is what we ourselves become when we lose the complemen-
tarity of masculine and feminine principles.
| go to the Picture/Poem
Poster of the above Miniatures:
Sow Thistle
shown at the right
(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
download (40 k) |
(6) A World of New Possibilities
There are inventions which impose structure on the mind,
forcing us to think as we walk with one foot tied behind the
back, in unnatural ways; And there are inventions which are
already implicit in the workings of the mind at its best, letting
us create with all the ease of freely flowing water. The humble
hyperlink, tying together all the unique thoughts of the world
without arbitrary limit or boundaries, brings home and makes
explicit one of the key facts of the new millenniumthat the
mind of humanity is indeed somehow one.
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P/P Miniature Posters: Octet One PDF (952 K) |
Special Edition: Eight of the most popular P/P miniatures
in one Portable Document File (you can save or send
as e-mail attachment)