Neon Time


The mechanical butterflies
flap their wings, it's raining
confetti, pop the cork
Dr. D,

       light the candles...

by the atomic clock, in
perfect asynchrony with
everything whole,

"No real finger on
the button, Mr. C -- oh, oh, o h ,
that Strangelovian Rag....."

     launch on warning...

its so predictable,

its so de///  //    /        /              /

(from, Neon Graffiti)

(Photo: Night Time, Electric Blue;  On the road in North America  (click on photo for poster-sized page)

Neon Graffiti photographs all begin with images of actual signs, some of which are layered to form
composites. The colors are generally left unmodulated.
You can view a collection of these pictures
together with their associated little tragic-comic thought-poems, at Neon Graffiti.

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Texts © 1999 Cliff Crego   All Rights Reserved   Comments to
(Last update: XI.30.1999 )