fall alpine sky


Have you ever noticed how the shape
of the Earth always seems to be asking
us questions?

Sometimes it's just teasing us; others,
asking the most serious questions of all.

The way a...
trail folds into the gentle turn
of a hill, half a mile from a lonely shack,
each morning asking,

   "Is someone coming? Is someone coming?"

Or a long day's journey over endless spring
snow and rugged scree, an unexpected
green meadow, small pond,
quiet stream,

a soft-spoken query, hesitant, like a
shy young man asking,

   "Aren't you going to spend the night?"

And further to the East, irresistible, pulling
one towards it like the edge of an airy cliff,

a huge V-like opening cut straight through
the high walls of a granite ridge,

   "A way through to the other side?"


The possibility of a passageway.

It's there. Ever-present. Massive.
Written in the rocks.

| Listen to The Passageway |

(Photo: Last Light, Looking East; the Alps)
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© 1999 - 2002 Cliff Crego  All Rights Reserved  

(Created: IV.7.1999; Last update: III.4.2002)
Comments to crego@picture-poems.com