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November 2009: suggested links IFYOULOVETHISPLANET A weekly radio program with Dr. Helen Caldicott A Picture/Poem collection of links |
An excellent hour-long, single topic, weekly radio program, available
for downloading or streaming on the web, by the indefatigable Autralian
doctor, and leading anti-nuclear / environmental illness activist.
Dr. Helen Caldicott.
Below are links to two excellent hour programs on
important topics.
October 12th, 2009
Andrew Nikiforuk on tar-sands oil-mining and its
terrible global and regional environmental impacts
"Award-winning journalist and author Andrew Nikiforuk joins
Dr. Caldicott to discuss the subject of his new book:The Tar Sands:
Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent, published by D&M
Publishers and winner of the2009 Rachel Carson Environmental
Book Award. He is also the author of a novel called Saboteurs:
Wiebo Ludwig’s War Against Big Oil. For the last two decades,
Nikiforuk has written about energy, economics and the West for
a variety of Canadian publications, and received seven National
Magazine Awards from the Association of Canadian Journalists.
The development and exploitation of the tar sands in Canada is
currently the world’s largest energy project." [...]
| download program c. 60' c / 54 Mb |
| to download: Windows: r click; Mac: opt + click |
October 5th, 2009
Dr. Vini Khurana on the potent health hazards of
cell phones and electromagnetic radiation
"Billions of people now use cell phones worldwide, Dr. Caldicott
says near the start of the program. She starts off the interview by
asking Dr. Khurana how he became interested in studying the medical
effects of cell phone usage and electromagnetic radiation, also known
as electromagnetic fields (EMF)." [...]
| download program c. 60' c / 54 Mb |
| to download: Windows: r click; Mac: opt + click |
Atrazinelovers . . .
"This website, designed and maintained by Dr. Tyrone B. Hayes, PhD,
is dedicated to informing the scientific community, the activist community,
and the public at large about the dangers of the herbicide atrazine.
Regarding the regulation of atrazine, the US Environmental Protection
Agency recently stated that "the ultimate decision is much bigger than
science" and that it "weighs into public opinion."
We (the public) must play an active role in this regulatory decision."
What is atrazine?
"Atrazine is the second largest selling pesticide in the world (largest up
until 2001) [1-5]. It is an herbicide (weed-killer) used primarily on corn,
but also on crops such as sorghum, sugar cane, and Christmas trees.
Also of note, it is used in forestry after tree harvesting [6]. Approximately
80 million pounds of atrazine are applied annually in the US, primarily
in corn growing states such as Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana
and Ohio, but significant amounts are used in all but six states [7]. [...]
Atrazine is the most common pesticide contaminant of ground and surface
water [2, 4, 8-24]. It is also highly mobile and can travel in rainwater [24-26].
A half million pounds of atrazine return to the earth in rainfall and snow
in the United States every year. Studies in both the US and in Europe have
shown that atrazine can travel as much as 600 miles from the point of
application, contaminating even otherwise pristine habitats [24, 27-29].
Atrazine is also highly persistent and remains in groundwater in the US
even during times of the year when it is not applied [30]. Further, atrazine
has persisted in groundwater in France, even though it has not been
applied there for 15 years [31]. Thus, even if atrazine use was stopped today,
it would be another generation (at least) before the environment is atrazine-free."
"Toxic Waters — Series — The New York Times"
A series about the worsening pollution in American
waters and regulators' response
Debating How Much Weed Killer Is Safe in Your Drinking Glass
"Atrazine has become among the most common contaminants in American reservoirs
and other sources of drinking water. New research suggests that the weed killer may
be dangerous at lower concentrations than previously thought, particularly for fetuses."
Other unrelated links of interest:
Scientific American: Adapting To The Feshwater Crisis
"Forward-thinking experts are getting a better handle on the growing global
water shortage and coming up with innovative approaches to ensuring the s
ecurity, safety and sustainability of this resource"
Il Corpo della Donne / Women Bodies
Documentario: In questa pagina è possibile visualizzare
il documentario per intero.
"IL CORPO DELLE DONNE è il titolo del nostro documentario di 25′
sull’uso del corpo della donna in tv. Siamo partiti da un’urgenza.
La constatazione che le donne, le donne vere, stiano scomparendo dalla
tv e che siano state sostituite da una rappresentazione grottesca, volgare e
umiliante. La perdita ci è parsa enorme: la cancellazione dell’identità delle
donne sta avvenendo sotto lo sguardo di tutti ma senza che vi sia un’adeguata
reazione, nemmeno da parte delle donne medesime. Da qui si è fatta strada l’idea
di selezionare le immagini televisive che avessero in comune l’utilizzo manipolatorio
del corpo delle donne per raccontare quanto sta avvenendo non solo a chi non
guarda mai la tv ma specialmente a chi la guarda ma “non vede”. L’obbiettivo è
interrogarci e interrogare sulle ragioni di questa cancellazione, un vero ” pogrom”
di cui siamo tutti spettatori silenziosi. Il lavoro ha poi dato particolare risalto alla
cancellazione dei volti adulti in tv, al ricorso alla chirurgia estetica per cancellare
qualsiasi segno di passaggio del tempo e alle conseguenze sociali di questa
By Kathleen Ellyn
Wallowa County Chieftain"A pack of 10 wolves has been confirmed in Wallowa County. The pack,
which was sighted and videoed by ODF&W biologist, Pat Matthews during a
periodic monitoring exercise, ranges from Little Sheep Creek, across Big Sheep
to Duck Lake and Fish Lake, south of the Imnaha.
ODF&W Wolf Management Plan director Russ Morgan estimates the pack
has a range of 100 square miles." [...]
. . . watch video clip on YouTube . . .
Swetlana Geier gilt als die grösste Übersetzerin russischer Literatur ins Deutsche.
Ihre Neuübersetzungen von Dostojewskijs fünf grossen Romanen, genannt die
"fünf Elefanten", sind ihr Lebenswerk und literarische Meilensteine.
Swetlana Geier: „Für das Übersetzen ist die Vorstellung eines Transports keine
zureichende Metapher. Es ist kein Transport, weil das Gepäck niemals ankommt.
Mich haben immer die Verluste interessiert. Mich hat das interessiert, was immer
jenseits des Neuen, des Übersetzten bleiben muss.“
Ihre Arbeit ist von grossem sinnlichen Sprachverständnis und kompromissloser
Achtung vor den Autoren geprägt. Sie hat den Anspruch, dass die Übersetzung
im Kern den Geist des Werkes und das Wesen des Autors treffen muss. Zugleich
ist ihr bewusst, dass jede Übersetzung letztendlich unvollkommen und der Zeit
ihrer Entstehung verhaftet bleibt. Sie sagt:
„Übersetzungen sind sterblich. Jede Zeit verdient ihre eigenen Übersetzungen“.
Swetlana Geiers Leben wurde von Europas wechselvoller Geschichte überschattet
und ihr Schicksal ist aussergewöhnlich: 1923 in der Ukraine geboren, erlebt sie mit
15, wie ihr Vater bei Stalins politischen Säuberungen verhaftet wird, 18 Monate
später schwer misshandelt entlassen wird und kurz darauf stirbt. Mit 18 verliert sie
ihre beste Freundin, als SS Kommandos in Kiew 30’000 Juden hinrichten. Während
der Besetzung der Ukraine arbeitet sie als Dolmetscherin und wird 1943 mit ihrer
Mutter in ein Ostarbeiterlager in Dortmund interniert. Sie erlebt d ie Gräuel zweier
Diktaturen, aber trifft immer wieder auf Menschen mit Zivilcourage und Mut, die
sich für sie engagieren und ihr Überleben ermöglichen." [...] ...trailer . . .
Sepp Holzer: Der Krameterhof—Permakultur im Salzburg
Nigel North—superb English lutenist & guitarist
Highly recommended is Nigel North's four CD-set of the Complete Works
of John Dowland recorded for NAXOS. These performances are as vituosic
and disciplined as they are enchanting, bringing us into a world in which
music, poetry and dance still move together in a most natural harmony.
The Snowflake Man—a film by Chuck Smith
"A short film about Wilson A. Bentley (1865-1931). In January of 1885,
Bentley became the first man to ever photograph a snow crystal. He went
on to take over 5,000 photographs of snowflakes and his images are still
widely used today."
| last week's links |
| Picture/Poem Link Archive 2001 / 2009 |