Week II:  SPRING PICTURE/POEMS  by Cliff Crego

Photographs/Texts for Week II of Display: Click on thumbnail for image with text
Photo Texts Photo


Curls Walking the

As the River
Glacier Descent On Paths:    
On the way,
many beautiful camps    
offer themselves for
the night...
Claviers The Little

Each poem is a
miniature makeshift
Solstice Sunset Rilke: Evening
Slowly the evening
changes into the
clothes held for it by
a row of ancient tree..  
April Crocus The Botanical

After a while,  you
read the signs first.
Piano Version of "XTC" The Sound of

Two big speakers,
drive, drive, drive
Thyme Rock Garden Knowing:
Summer mountain,        
magic meadow...
Winter Refuge Winter Solstice:
That time of year
when thoughts of the
past turn to face
the stars of the North

...about Picture/Poems

A little introduction to the display
and the different ways you can
wander through it.

Cockspur Hawthorn

...No Passage

The epigram photo and
saying from Ovid
which begin Week II.

| Site Map |
...go to Week II, text-only version

This is for those readers who wish
to go straight to the poems and
other texts.

...go to related sites and links

...go to Table of Contents: Weeks I - IV

The TOC is rather like a central showcase
for all the 36 images and texts which
compose the Spring Display. Instead a
composite frame of eight photos, as
shown above, you can view a
numbered, sequential 

...go to Table of Contents: Weeks V - VIII

The central showcase for
the Fall Picture/Poem Display.

...back to the Central Display

This is the main entrance to the website.
You can find updates, a poster as well
as new weekly features there.

| go to Picture/Poems: Central Display |

| Map | TOC: I-IV | TOC: V-VIII | Image Index | Index | Text OnlyDownload Page | Newsletter | About P/P | About Cliff Crego |

© 1999 - 2002 Cliff Crego  All Rights Reserved  

(Created: IV.7.1999; Last update: III.4.2002)
Comments to crego@picture-poems.com