Week VIII:  FALL PICTURE/POEMS  by Cliff Crego

Photographs/Texts for Week VIII of Fall Display: Click on thumbnail for image with text.
Photo Texts Photo


Mossy Spring Walking the World:
On Art, the Artist
and Balance in
Above the Clouds Moving Up into
Mountain Time
and Flatland
"And that sudden
inrushing of a l l
Snow Wind More Leaves:
"This is the time the
maple leaves glow..."
A Children's poem
Last House Rilke: "The last
house of this village
stands as alone as
if it were..." 

Farmer/Sheep On Paths:
Special Delivery 

"Every day, when
I go out to
get the mail...
No Dumping Neon Graffiti:     
Human Genome
and Pathetic

Golden Circles Two Little
Poems about
"...these rings left
Little Stone Man Two Little
Poems about

"If I carry the
mountain in my

...about Picture/Poems

A little introduction to the display
and the different ways you can
wander through it.

Two Lights, Fresh Snow

...Two Lights,
Fresh Snow

Two epigram photos and quotes
from Hildegard von Bingen,
Kabir and Wallace Stevens
which begin Week VIII.

| Site Map |
...go to Week VIII, text-only version

This is for those readers who wish
to go straight to the poems and
other texts.

...go to related sites and links

...go to Table of Contents: Weeks I-IV

The TOC is rather like a central showcase
for all the 36 images and texts which
compose the Spring Display. Instead a
composite frame of eight photos, as
shown above, you can view a
numbered, sequential 

....go to Table of Contents: Weeks V-VIII

The central showcase for
the Fall Picture/Poem Display.

...back to the Central Display

This is the main entrance to the website.
You can find updates, a poster as well
as new weekly features there.

| go to Picture/Poems: Central Display |
| Map | TOC: I-IV | TOC: V-VIII | Image Index | Index | Text OnlyDownload Page | Newsletter | About P/P | About Cliff Crego |

© 1999 - 2002 Cliff Crego  All Rights Reserved  

(Created: IV.7.1999; Last update: III.4.2002)
Comments to crego@picture-poems.com